
Sonoma County Genealogical Sources


as of November 14, 2012

The Sonoma County Genealogical Society webpage has been terminated.

It is unknown if and when the President will launch a new webpage,
nor is it known if it will be located at this domain, nor what it will contain.
His unilateral actions has, unfortunately, caused this to happen.

It has been an honor to serve as your Webmaster for over 14 years!
After having spent thousands of hours, over the years, on this webpage, etc.
I wish whomever takes over with a NEW webpage, the best of luck.
As I was told when I first took this non-paid & volunteer job --
try to stay away from the "Politics" of the organization
and you will survive to serve the members.
I did that for many years until I got an interesting call on Nov. 13
from the Sonoma County Library.
I have had the privilege to be the Webmaster under many Presidents,
and have worked with so many dedicated and caring Officers over the years.
Many of those officers are no longer with us, but they will be remembered!

As time goes by, I plan to add extensive information on Sonoma County Genealogy, etc.
Stop by often, and don't ever be held back from offering constructive comments!
My new saying "No Politics in Genealogy -- None of the Time!"

Ciao, Spence F. Burton

Webmaster 1998 - 2012

(If you have any questions either email officers directly at their personal email addresses, or I will do my best to answer you.)


This original webpage, between May 31, 2000 and January 1, 2008, had 82,801 visitors.
On January 4, 2008 I switched web hosts, and a new "visitor counter" was begun:

You are visitor    since January 4, 2008!

© February, 1998 All Rights Reserved  by the Webmaster -- permission to copy information for personal use (excluding graphics, except for link  purposes) is given, as long as appropriate recognition and written permission is given by the webmaster and author.   This webpage is best viewed with Firefox,   with a screen resolution of at least 800x600 pixels! Links provided on these pages DO NOT necessarily imply my endorsement or agreement with any views contained on them.